baby crow step-by-step
Baby Crow is a fab and fun arm balance that can be practised and enjoyed even by those with wrist issues or with fear of falling (because you're so much closer to the floor). It's a fantastic shoulder strengthener and stabiliser as well as a core toner and a hip-opener too. Before trying the pose, make sure you warm up properly, maybe with some sun salutes, definitely with Malasana to stretch out the groin and inner thighs. Forearm plank, forearm dog, and some deep forwards bends would be good too. Do stretch out the front of the body and the inner thighs out afterwards (bridge and upavista konasana are great counterposes).
1. Start in Malasana and breathe out to fold deeply inside the legs. Place your forearms, elbows shoulder-width apart, on the floor.
2. Press the forearms and palms down. Breathe out to lift the pelvic floor and lower belly, and shift forward to bring the inner knees to press against the outside of the upper arms.
3. If possible, bring the big toes to press against each other.
4. Lean a little more forward to lift your bum up as you continue to hug the knees to the upper arms and press the forearms and palms down. Eventually, the feet will lift off the floor.
Try it. Have fun. If you are worried about smacking your face down, just put a thin cushion down. If it's too thick, your face might rest on it, which might not be fun. Play around with it a bit. Enjoy.
1. Start in Malasana and breathe out to fold deeply inside the legs. Place your forearms, elbows shoulder-width apart, on the floor.
2. Press the forearms and palms down. Breathe out to lift the pelvic floor and lower belly, and shift forward to bring the inner knees to press against the outside of the upper arms.
3. If possible, bring the big toes to press against each other.
4. Lean a little more forward to lift your bum up as you continue to hug the knees to the upper arms and press the forearms and palms down. Eventually, the feet will lift off the floor.
Try it. Have fun. If you are worried about smacking your face down, just put a thin cushion down. If it's too thick, your face might rest on it, which might not be fun. Play around with it a bit. Enjoy.