Side plank (modified version) is a fantastic pose that is suitable for everyone including pregnant ladies and new mums. This yummy pose stretches the top side body while it tones the lower side. It is also a fabulous arms, legs and core strengthener. If you have wrist pain, you can do this with your elbow (instead of hand) on the floor). See the video below for some warm-up poses leading to the modified side plank, the full side plank and the Wild Thing. To begin, find your centre by sitting and visualising having a little ball of flame (golden sun) in the centre of the pelvic bowl. When you breathe out, hug your pelvic floor, lower belly and lower back muscles around the sun and lift it up. When you breathe in, keep it lifted and breathe into the chest and upper back.
- Come down onto your hands (or elbows) and knees, hands shoulder-width apart, fingers spread and finger pads pressing down firmly.
- Straighten your left leg and turn your right lower leg out to the right. Align the arch of the left foot with the right knee and the right hand. Ground the left foot firmly down.
- Draw the pelvic floor and the lower belly in and up.
- Bend the right elbow slightly, take your left hand to your left hip, and rotate your torso open to the left. By bending your right elbow, you are freeing up your shoulder so that the arm bone can rotate, allowing the chest and torso to spin up.
- Keep grounding into your right hand, the balls of the right foot, and the whole of the left foot.
- When you're ready, turn your left palm up towards the ceiling and stretch the arm up and over towards the crown of the head.
- Breathe in (filling the chest and the upper back) and feel the upper ribcage expand upward towards the left fingertips. Breathe out (drawing the lower belly in and up) and ground the lower ribcage down towards the left foot.
- Stay for at least 3 breaths and repeat to the other side.
- Smile and enjoy!